Instructions for oral presenters
Duration of presentations:
Oral presentations: 10-12 min + 3-5 min for Q/A
Technical room set-up:
- projector with a screen
- laptop with Microsoft Office
- laser pointer / clicker
- tabletop microphone on the podium
- timer (in Alfa/Beta rooms only)
There will be no possibility to use your own laptop during your presentation.
Presentation preparation and submission:
- All presentations shall be prepared using Power Point software.
- Preferable format: 16:9
- All authors shall bring their power point presentations on USB directly to the respective conference room at least 30 min before the start of the session or earlier.
During the conference:
- Power Point presentation will be opened by volunteers.
- If you have questions before your presentation, please contact the volunteers in the room
- Each session will be chaired by a chair who will introduce the speakers and initiate discussion. The chair will ask the presenters to strictly respect the timing.
- Your presentation must be given in English. Remember that most participants do not have English as their mother language, therefore please speak clearly and slowly.