Welcome address by IAA
It is a great honour and a pleasure for me to invite everyone interested in the field of aerobiology to participate in a joint meeting being prepared under the auspices of the European Aerobiology Society, International Association for Aerobiology and International Ragweed Society entitled ‘World Aerobiology 2024’.
During the previous IAA Congress, organized in Parma in 2018, it was confirmed that our aerobiological society was to meet again in four years’ time. Unfortunately, life has written its own script, none of us predicted a worldwide SARS-CoV-2 pandemic and the other turmoil that caused the postponement of the scheduled congress.
Finally, we are truly happy to have found a solution, which is to combine the 8th European Symposium on Aerobiology, 12th International Congress on Aerobiology and 5th International Ragweed Congress into one 5-day meeting in beautiful Vilnius.
Headed by Prof. Ingrida Šaulienė, World Aerobiology 2024 will provide the opportunity for scientists representing many disciplines related to the aerobiology to meet, have interesting discussions, make new acquaintances and form productive collaborations. The meeting will include a wide range of thematic sessions in which people from all over the world will have the opportunity to present the results of their studies and discuss many burning questions.
The next General Assembly of the IAA will be held during World Aerobiology 2024 and will allow members to discuss the current affairs of the society, choose the new IAA Executive Committee (2024-2026) and decide upon the venue of the 13th International Congress on Aerobiology for 2026.
The next year belongs to aerobiologists!
We are looking forward to meeting you in Vilnius in 2024!